Why test your birds if you suspect Avian Influenza?

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Why test your birds if you suspect avian influenza?

  1. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is highly contagious and fatal for poultry. 
    • As a virus, HPAI needs a host to survive and spread. HPAI will spread through and kill an entire flock. (Graphic: Healthy chickens next to an infected chicken, and virus going toward the healthy birds.)
    • Testing allows for early detection of HPAI in flocks, which can help limit painful, severe illness in other birds.
  2. Disease status affects ALL aspects of poultry in Minnesota.
    • Regardless of flock size, detecting and managing HPAI is critical for preventing disease spread and protecting the welfare of all flocks. (Graphic: Small flock of geese and a large commercial flock of chickens with a plus sign between them.)
  3. Priority should be placed on poultry welfare.
    • Humane euthanasia of HPAI-positive flocks is necessary to limit severe, fatal illness in birds and disease spread.
    • Your assigned case manager will arrange euthanasia by trained personnel following methods approved by the American Veterinary Medical Association. (Graphic: Upturned hand underneath a chicken enclosed in a heart.)
    • Personnel entering/exiting your premises will follow strict biosecurity practices.

Minnesota Avian Influenza Hotline: 1-833-454-0156.

Graphics: University of Minnesota Extension logo and Minnesota Board of Animal Health logo.