
The Minnesota Board of Animal Health Biologics Rules include two parts:

Restrictions on sale or distribution of certain vaccines

Minnesota Rule 1721.0670

The following vaccines may be sold or distributed only to veterinarians, pharmacists, or companies only selling to veterinarians:

  1. Rabies vaccine;
  2. Brucella abortus vaccine;
  3. Mycobacterium paratuberculosis vaccine

The following vaccines may be sold only to veterinarians or by written prescription to non-veterinarians:

  1. Anthrax vaccine;
  2. Modified live vaccines for any species of animal that is commonly maintained in the home of the owner whether or not the particular animal is so housed; and
  3. Other vaccines that are restricted by the board for use in a disease control program. (Currently no vaccines fall within this category.)

Restrictions on sale or distribution of antigens used in detection and diagnosis of diseases of domestic animals

Minnesota Rule 1721.0680