
The Board of Animal Health approves, registers and maintains records on livestock brands in Minnesota. Brands can be placed on cattle, horses, sheep or mules. There are more than 1,200 brands currently registered in the state. The Board does not perform brand inspections.

Brand Registration and Renewals

New brand applications can be submitted to the Board via mail, using the official Brand Application Form. All brand applications must be notarized. The Secretary of State’s office has an online search tool to find a notary nearby.

All brand registrations must be renewed every 10 years. All brands registered after January 1, 2016 will be actively registered until December 31, 2025.

All previously registered brands expired on December 31, 2015. The Board has attempted to contact all individuals with previously registered brands by mailing letters to the addresses we have on file. If you have a brand you registered before March 1, 2015 and you have not received a letter from the Board asking you to renew the brand registration, please call 651-296-2942 or send us an email.