Policy for Addendums to Certificates of Veterinary Inspection

Veterinarians who wish to attach addendums to CVIs for animals imported into Minnesota must adhere to the following policy. Veterinarians may wish to use addendums in situations where a large number of animals are being imported into Minnesota. Addendums may list individual animal information such as: official identification numbers, breed, age, sex, individual test or vaccine information.

Addendums that are not received in the following manner will not be accepted by the State of Minnesota.

  • The CVI must reference the number of addendum pages and all pages must be numbered chronologically. If an addendum to a CVI is 2 pages, 1 of 3 should be written on the CVI in the upper right-hand corner. The first page of the addendum would be numbered 2 of 3 and the second page 3 of 3.
  • The unique CVI number present in the upper-right hand corner of the Certificate must be documented on each page of the addendum.
  • Each page of the printed addendum accompanying a paper CVI must be signed and dated (issue date) by the veterinarian issuing the CVI.
  • All addendums must also be sent electronically to the Minnesota Board of Animal Health. Send an email with the addendum as an attachment in the form of an excel, comma delimited (CSV), or other spreadsheet file to trace@state.mn.us with the CVI number, including the state prefix, as the subject of the email. The body of the email must list complete names and addresses for both the consignor (and origin information if different) and consignee (and destination information if different). The issue date of the CVI must also be referenced in the body of the email.

Minnesota veterinarians wishing to use this policy for interstate movement must verify it is acceptable to all states of destination to which they would like to export animals.