Farmed Cervidae Rulemaking Advisory Committee

The majority of committee meetings will likely be held virtually, and will be accessible by members of the public. Minutes from each meeting will also be posted.

Details for joining the next virtual Advisory Committee meeting will be posted here when it is scheduled. This rulemaking project is currently paused. Please see the Board’s main rulemaking page for updates on this project.

Advisory Committee for Farmed Cervidae Rule Amendments

On June 29, 2020, the Minnesota Board of Animal Health (Board) published a Request for Comments on its planned amendments to rules governing farmed Cervidae, Minnesota Rules chapters 1721.0370 to 1721.0420. The planned amendments are to incorporate changes made by the Minnesota legislature in 2019 to Minnesota Statute 35.155. The Board is considering additional amendments to Minnesota Rules chapters 1721.0370 to 1721.0420, and is forming an advisory committee under Minnesota Statutes section 14.101, subdivision 2, to provide advice to the agency for these rule amendments.

Goal of committee: Work cooperatively with each other and with agency staff to develop recommendations and advice on farmed Cervidae regulations, and help the Board develop effective and well-supported amendments as well as public support for farmed Cervidae rules in Minnesota.  

Composition: Approximately 15-member team representing the breadth of interests in farmed Cervidae regulations. Desired membership includes representatives from the Minnesota farmed Cervidae industry and associations, farmed Cervidae-related agricultural and health regulatory agencies, Minnesota deer hunters, tribal members and Minnesota counties, industry professionals comprising veterinary and agricultural service providers, as well as representatives from at-large livestock producers and members of the public. 

Membership consists of:

  • Representative of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: Michelle Carstensen
  • Representative of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture: Kelly Anderson
  • Representative of the Minnesota Department of Health: Dr. Joni Scheftel
  • Representative of the University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Lab: Dr. Jerry Torrison
  • Representative of the United States Department of Agriculture: Dr. Stephan Schaefbauer
  • Representative of the Minnesota Deer Farmers: Rich Meech; Alternate: Todd Miller
  • Representative of the Minnesota Elk Breeders Association: Mark Luedtke; Alternate: Brenda Hartkopf
  • Representative of Minnesota deer hunters: Craig Engwall
  • Representative of Minnesota cervid veterinarians: Dr. Joel Ihnen
  • Representative of Non-native Minnesota Cervidae species producers: Daryl Simon
  • At-large representative of Minnesota farmed cervid producers: Robert Ernst
  • Representatives of Minnesota Tribal members: Miles Falck and Philomena Kebec
  • At-large member of the public: Amy Cordry
  • At-large livestock producer (other than farmed Cervidae producer): Dan Miller
  • Representative of Association of Minnesota Counties: Steve Notch

These invited members represent stakeholder groups and desired areas of expertise or have no affiliation but a strong interest in farmed Cervidae regulations. Successful members should represent the diversity of views, interests, and values associated with farmed Cervidae in Minnesota, have a demonstrated ability to work cooperatively in a group, and will clearly articulate and represent the organizations or stakeholder interests they represent.